Thursday, September 5, 2024

Corel Draw Shortcuts keys

Corel Draw Shortcut Key

S.NoWorkShortcut Keys
1Shape टूल के लिएF10
2Zoom के लिएZ
3Pan Ya Hand टूल के लिएH
4Freehand टूल के लिएF5
5Smart Drawing के लिएShift + S
6Artistic Media टूल के लिएI
7Rectangular टूल के लिएF6
8Ellipse टूलF7
11Object को जोड़ने के लिएCTRL + L
12Object को जोड़ने के लिएCTRL + K
13Object को Curve बनाने के लिएCTRL+ Q
14Objects का ग्रुप बनाने के लिएCTRL+ G
15Ungroup के लिएCTRL+ U
16एक Object को दूसरे Object के निचे लिखे जाने के लिएCTRL + PgDn
17एक Object को दूसरे Object से ऊपर लिखे जाने के लिएCTRL + PgUp
18Object को सबसे नीचे ले के जाने के लिएShift +PgDn
19Object को सबसे ऊपर ले के जाने के लिएShift+ PgUp
20Gradient Color भरने के लिएF11


150+ CorelDraw Shortcut keys | 

General Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
CopyCtrl + C or Ctrl + Insert
CutCtrl + X or Ctrl + Delete
DuplicateCtrl + D
PasteCtrl + V
RedoCtrl + Shift + Z
RepeatCtrl + R
UndoCtrl + Z or Ctrl + Backspace

File Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
ExportCtrl + E
ImportCtrl + I
New documentCtrl + N
OpenCtrl + O
PrintCtrl + P
SaveCtrl + S
Save asCtrl + Shift + S
ExitCtrl + F4

Font Formatting Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
BoldCtrl + B
Font listCtrl + Shift + F
Font weightCtrl + Shift + W
ItalicCtrl + I
Small CapsCtrl + Shift + K
UnderlineCtrl + U
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Numpad 2
Font sizeCtrl + Shift + P
HTML font sizeCtrl + Shift + H
Increase font sizeCtrl + Numpad 8
Next font combo sizeCtrl + Numpad 6
Previous font combo sizeCtrl + Numpad 4
Change caseShift + F3
Convert textCtrl + F8

Object Nudge Commands Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Nudge Down
Nudge left
Nudge Right
Nudge Up
Super Nudge downShift + ↓
Super Nudge leftShift + ←
Super Nudge rightShift + →
Super Nudge upShift + ↑
Micro nudge downShift + ↓

Text Formatting Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Bullet textCtrl + M
Center justifyCtrl + E
Convert text stateCtrl + F8
Apply drop capCtrl + Shift + D
Edit textCtrl + Shift + T
Force justificationCtrl + H
Format textCtrl + T
Full justifyCtrl + J
Horizontal textCtrl + ,
Left justificationCtrl + L
No JustificationCtrl + N
Right JustificationCtrl + R

Zoom and Pan Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Hand toolH
Pan downAlt + ↓
Pan leftAlt + ←
Pan upAlt + ↑
View managerCtrl + F2
Zoom one shotF2
Zoom outF3
Zoom to all objectF4
Zoom to pageShift + F4
Zoom to SelectionShift + F2

Toolbox Tool Selection Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Artistic Media toolsI
Eraser ToolX
Ellipse toolF7
Toogle eyedroppedShift
Freehand toolF5
Graph paper toolD
Interactive fill toolG
Mesh toolM
Polygon toolY
Rectangle toolF6
Shape toolF10
Smart drawing toolS
Spiral toolA
Text toolF8
Toggle pick stateSpacebar

Cursor Moves using Text tool Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Delete character to rightDelete
Delete word to rightCtrl + Delete
Cursor down one framePagedown
Cursor down one line
Cursor left one paragraphCtrl + ↓
Cursor left one character
Cursor left one wordCtrl + ←
Cursor right one character
Cursor right one wordCtrl + →
Cursor up one framePage Up
Cursor up one line
Cursor up one paragraphCtrl + ↑
Cursor to start of textCtrl + Home
Cursor start of a lineHome
Cursor to star of textCtrl + page Up
Cursor to end of lineEnd

Align Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Align bottomB
Align center pageP
Align Horizontal centerE
Align rightR
Align TopT
Align Vertical CenterC
Align to baselineAlt + F12

Dockers Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
ContourCtrl + F9
EnvelopeCtrl + F7
Graphic and text styleCtrl + F5
LensAlt + F3
Linear DimensionsAlt + F2
Object ProprtiesAlt + Enter
PositionAlt + F7
RotateAlt + F8
Scale and mirrorAlt + F9
SizeAlt + F10
Insert symbol and special charactersAlt + F11
View managerAlt + F12
Symbols managerAlt + F6

Distribute Command Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Distribute bottomShift + B
Distribute centers horizontallyShift + E
Distribute centers verticallyShift + C
Distribute leftShift + L
Distribute rightShift + R
Distribute spacing horizontallyShift + P
Distribute Spacing VerticallyShift + A
Distribute TopShift + T

Others Shortcuts

ActionWindows Shortcuts
Full-screen previewF9
Refresh WindowCtrl + W
Toggle DisplayShift + F9
Show nonprinting charactersCtrl + Shift + C
Open fountain fill dialogF11
Uniform fill dialogShift + F11
Color balanceCtrl + Shift + B
Brightness/IntensityCtrl + B
Hue/SaturationCtrl + Shift + U
Next pagePage Down
Previous PagePage Up

With the above list of shortcuts, you will be able to complete repeated tasks faster. Some shortcuts cover everything from vector illustration and page layout to photo editing and website design. I am not sure how much of your work was improved with these shortcuts but have saved your precious time.

The CorelDraw shortcut keys are used since it will save time, increase speed and efficiency. These shortcuts are used when you have a workload and want to work as a professional. With these shortcuts, CorelDraw becomes more flexible software.

Note: Did you know there is a Corel Draw shortcut key application available on the play store for the android device.

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