Monday, October 28, 2024

HTML Lists


HTML Lists

Types of HTML Lists

There are three main types of lists in HTML:

  1. Unordered Lists
  2. Ordered Lists
  3. Nested Lists     4. Definition List 

5. Reversed Ordered Lists 

6. Start Attribute in Ordered Lists

1. Unordered List (<ul>)

An unordered list presents items in bullet points. The list items are defined using the <li> tag.



<ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul>

This will render:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

2. Ordered List (<ol>)

An ordered list displays items in a sequential order, with numbers or letters.



<ol> <li>Step 1</li> <li>Step 2</li> <li>Step 3</li> </ol>

This will render:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

You can change the numbering style using the type attribute.

Example of Different Numbering Styles:

<ol type="A"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ol>

This renders: A. Item 1
B. Item 2
C. Item 3

Other values for type:

  • type="1": Default (numeric).
  • type="A": Uppercase letters.
  • type="a": Lowercase letters.
  • type="I": Uppercase Roman numerals.
  • type="i": Lowercase Roman numerals.

3. Nested Lists

You can nest lists by placing one list inside another list item.



<ul> <li>Fruits <ul> <li>Apple</li> <li>Banana</li> </ul> </li> <li>Vegetables <ul> <li>Carrot</li> <li>Broccoli</li> </ul> </li> </ul>

This will render:

  • Fruits
    • Apple
    • Banana
  • Vegetables
    • Carrot
    • Broccoli

4. Definition List (<dl>)

A definition list is used for listing terms and their definitions. The <dl> tag wraps the list, <dt> is used for the term, and <dd> is used for the description.


<dl> <dt>HTML</dt> <dd>Hypertext Markup Language</dd> <dt>CSS</dt> <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd> </dl>

This will render:

  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

5. Customizing List Style Using CSS

You can style lists using CSS to change bullet points, spacing, and more.

Example: Custom Bullet Style

<style> ul.custom-bullet { list-style-type: square; } </style> <ul class="custom-bullet"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul>

This will display square bullets instead of the default round ones.

  • list-style-type can be disc (default), circle, square, none (no bullets).

Example: Image as a Bullet

<style> ul.custom-image { list-style-image: url('bullet.png'); } </style> <ul class="custom-image"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul>

This replaces the bullet points with a custom image.

6. Reversed Ordered Lists

You can reverse the numbering in an ordered list using the reversed attribute.


<ol reversed> <li>Step 3</li> <li>Step 2</li> <li>Step 1</li> </ol>

This will render: 3. Step 3
2. Step 2

  1. Step 1

7. Start Attribute in Ordered Lists

The start attribute allows you to define the starting number of an ordered list.


<ol start="5"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ol>

This will render: 5. Item 1
6. Item 2

Summary of List Tags:

  • <ul>: Unordered list (bulleted).
  • <ol>: Ordered list (numbered).
  • <li>: List item.
  • <dl>: Definition list.
  • <dt>: Definition term.
  • <dd>: Definition description.

These examples cover the basics and customization options for HTML lists, helping you structure content effectively!

Example: Basic example of HTML List

<!DOCTYPE html>


    <h2>Welcome To GeeksforGeeks Learning</h2>
    <h5>List of available courses</h5>
        <li>Data Structures & Algorithm</li>
        <li>Web Technology</li>
        <li>Aptitude & Logical Reasoning</li>
        <li>Programming Languages</li>
    <h5>Data Structures topics</h5>
        <li>Linked List</li>



html list example output


HTML List Tags

Here is the list of all lists tags HTML:

<ul>Defines an unordered list
<ol>Defines an ordered list
<li>Defines a list item
<dl>Defines a description list
<dt>Defines a term in a description list
<dd>Details the term in a description list

1. HTML Unordered List or Bulleted List

The unordered list items are marked with bullets, also known as bulleted lists. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag, and each list item begins with the <li> tag.


<ul> list of items </ul>

Attribute: This tag contains two attributes which are listed below: 

  • compact: It will render the list smaller.
  • type: It specifies which kind of marker is used in the list.

Example: This example describes the unordered list.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h2>Grocery list</h2>



html unordered list

Unordered List

2. HTML Ordered List

In an ordered list, all list items are marked with numbers by default. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag, and each list item begins with the <li> tag.



  • compact: It defines the list should be compacted (compact attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.).
  • reversed: It defines that the order will be descending.
  • start: It defines from which number or alphabet the order will start.
  • type: It defines which type(1, A, a, I, and i) of the order you want in your list of numeric, alphabetic, or roman numbers.

Example: This example illustrates the use of the reverse attribute, control list counting & type attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML ol tag</title>

    <h1 style="color: green">GeeksforGeeks</h1>
    <h3>HTML ol tag</h3>
<p>reversed attribute</p>

    <ol reversed>
<p>start attribute</p>

    <ol start="5">
<p>type attribute</p>

    <ol type="i">



html ordered list

Ordered List with different list style

3. HTML Description List

description list is a list of terms, with a description of each term. The <dl> tag defines the description list, the <dt> tag defines the term name, and the <dd> tag describes each term.


<dl> Contents... </dl>

Please refer to the How to add description list of an element using HTML? article for further details.

Example: This example describes the HTML Description List.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h2>A Description List</h2>
        <dd>- 500 gms</dd>
        <dd>- 1 ltr Tetra Pack</dd>



html description list

Description List

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